Hey there!

I’m Liv, these are my stories

I talk about my daily life, where I’m at, and everything else in between. I am learning more and more about myself every day. I realised that I am here, living with all that I do, the multiple physical, mental and neurological health conditions I have been diagnosed with throughout my life, because I am more than happy to take you along with me on my journey of finding myself, in the hopes that you may learn things about yourself by watching or reading the stuff I share. I share daily videos I do not edit or view before sharing. This keeps me as honest and authentic as I can be, and by sharing this way, I hope to help you all see that you are worthy exactly as you are; you do not need to change yourself, use filters, or minimise yourself in any way. We are all connected. You are not alone. We are all in this together ♡

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To my neighbour, I hope one day you see this..

Let me start off by saying, I am sorry it ended the way it did. With the cops being called and each of us blocked on each others phone. I honestly don’t know what could have been going through your mind for everything to go the way it did, but I can’t help but wonder…