Day 906: 22nd June 2024 | I’m not feeling 100% šŸ˜”

My throat hurts, and I feel like I’m getting a cold or something. I hope I’m wrong, I want to be healthy and fine.

I keep forgetting that I do not have to rush everything. That I can pull out of all units until I am settled. I need to sort my house out. I had all this time since finishing uni in February but haven’t done it.

I have to start packing. I had planned to start today and even thought I was going to achieve some of it for a little while, but nothing came of it. I watched Mother of the Bride on Netflix instead.

I am hoping that I fall asleep easily enough since I took Ritalin today when I woke up instead of Vyvanse like I have been. There is a difference, that’s for sure.

But now I really just want to sleep. I’m going to set my alarms as normal for tomorrow and get up. I cleaned my dishes, kitchen, and living room and vacuumed today, yet I am going to sleep with more dishes in the sink. I prefer them to be done, but it’s not the end of the world.

My throat really hurts, and I feel like I’m getting earache. Please think good thoughts for me so that I wake up feeling better. I’m sleeping in my own bed tonight since my mum is coming back and spending Tuesday night here. I just want Boss to come join me, which he currently hasn’t.

I need to sleep now, and I am feeling tired.

10:02 pm

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